A captive insurance company (Captive) is designed to insure the business and related risks of a small (and usually related) group of insureds. Captives can be formed either in the United States or in a foreign jurisdiction.
ServeCo™ focuses on financial planning for your entire liability profile.
An exclusive partnership with a premier Captive provider gives you direct access to the United States' premier single house actuarial, accounting, and Captive management firm.
Because of the depth of our expertise, you can take advantage of items #2 & #3 when most Captive marketers are only focused on #1.
The result is a difference in millions of dollars of opportunity.
That they are already marketing to their customers in aftermarket programs through third parties.
Examples - Extended Warranties, Service Contracts, Mattress Protector Warranties, Comfort Guarantees, etc.
That cannot be obtained through traditional insurance markets.
Examples - Cyber Risk, Key Personnel Loss, Regulatory Changes, Reputation Risk, Employee Dishonesty, Delivery Damages, etc.
Negotiated with traditional insurance markets that allow the primary company to lower premiums while fueling a captive with new insurance opportunities
Examples - Health Insurance, Auto Insurance, General Liability Insurance, etc.
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