Protect Your Surroundings
ServeCo™ North America, a 34-year provider of home and furniture cleaning and maintenance products, is proud to launch ServeCare™. ServeCare™ is a line of products to sanitize skin, furniture and complete environments. At the center of our philosophy is a desire to produce an alternative to alcohol based products that: damage skin and surfaces, are flammable, are becoming more scarce and expensive, only have limited performance period and produce a low yield when calculated on a per application ratio.
Disinfect & Protect Your Surroundings with ServeCare™
ServeCare™ Introduces A Durable Application Where You Can Save Time, Money, and Headaches of Continuously Retreating Your Surroundings.
EPA Certified
ServeCare™ will apply an EPA Registered Disinfectant and an EPA Registered Solution to protect the surface of floors, walls, textiles and plastics for 90 days thereafter!
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